What do you need to know about the course
During the course you will have to do daily homework’s, written and practical, that is why is easier to study the course online than face to face, because face to face is a 3 hours daily class plus having time to do your homework’s in your free time. Instead by online the lessons are 1h30 per class twice per week, will take longer to achieve the complete course but will be easier to achieve all the goals of the course.
This is a formation course, is not a course where you buy the certificate and that’s it, you need to work hard to get a good result at the 3 written and 4 practical exams.
Those who study the course, not for what is taught, but for what is given in paper, then must know that the official certificate will be given only to those students who pass successfully all the exams, and will arrive to their postal homes in no more than 6 months after ending the course.

Additional equipment
Students need to have a laptop, an external hard disc of min. 500 GB and a smart phone.
For the homework’s you will need pen or pencil colours, white printer paper, and a note book.
The student needs to get their own props, veil, cymbals, wings or cape, cane, candelabra and sword.
If coming to study in Egypt, then Amora will take you to the costume designers, depending on your budget will take you to one or the other one, and take you to the BellyDancing shops, so you will choose your favourite colours and models with the lowest fee you can get, because Amora Shams is known in the Khan el Khalili area for not getting the commissions that all other BellyDance teachers charge, so the prices she gets for her students are the cheapest in Egypt.
The show test
The final exam of the course is the show test, where students are required to perform in a private party for an Egyptian family with the teachers of the workshops held in Cairo in the last week of the course during the professional level program, them are the ones who evaluate if the student achieved the professional level, or not. Is not Amora Shams who decides if the student achieved the performing professional level, is the experts in bellydance, the Egyptian teachers.

When the course is taught somewhere else, in another country, then the show test is done publicly in an Arabian restaurant or event, like the case of Jaycee Gossett which she had to perform in a Lebanese restaurant in Marbella, Spain, or the case of Dineska that she had to perform in a public event in the House of Morocco in Fuengirola, Spain. Both students got a public recognition by the owners and the other BellyDancers as great performance and very professional, they couldn’t believe that these two students just started 20 days ago the course to become a bellydancer starting from any level in bellydance.
Below the show test of Dineshga or more know as Dineska the Diamond of Sri Lanka.
Free Marketing for successful course students
Business cards
These are 3 business cards that Amora Shams designed for free for her BBDC students of the 2011 edition, Samia, Zara and Azin. These cards were printed in Cairo and they took them back to their countries and all of them started their BellyDance career since then.

When Amora feels inspired by a good student who respects her, and got a successful result from the audience of their Show Test, dancing how should be, how she taught the student to dance, and she sees a strong potential in the future dancer, she feels she must help her with a push to start her dance career as soon as possible, so this is why Amora can take some of her time and creativity to produce free of charge some photos, videos and designs for her successful course students.
Amora Shams a part of a BellyDancer, dance teacher, choreographer, and a member of the International Dance Council, she is also an Qualified Interior Architect, a Graphic Designer, a Qualified Tourist Animator, and an artist in different fields, painter, drawer, sculpture, crafts, organic agriculture, etc.. So Amora designs and produces video clips, flyers and business cards for her course students. In Cairo has her printing office. Here are some examples:

Study Online

Amora Shams doesn't share publicly the secrets of BellyDance quite often because she only teaches female students, and for her the secrets can only be shared to certain type of students, so she decided to only share them with the BBDC students, that's why her successful students become so professional few weeks after the course, as far as she knows, 4 BBDC students won on 5 BellyDance competitions.

Amora Shams created this intensive 20 days course in Cairo, Egypt on year 2008 after teaching BellyDance since 1993 developing the teaching techniques that she learned from her mother and mentor Alia Shams, and developing them to a point that any woman no matter their dance starting level, in few days could achieve movements that in any other BellyDance school will take more than 3 years to achieve.
Amora Shams teaches the intensive one month program, focus in the techniques and the tricks of the trade to become an competitive performer, teacher and choreographer, from any dance starting level, included absolute beginners. All it matters is if you do your written and practical daily homeworks, and concentrate 100% into her teachings and corrections.
Alia Shams teaches her own formation course, which was the original course that she created and started to teach on year 1994, which is taught in a 3 months program, but focus in the energetic philosophical therapeutical ancient and spiritual style.
Studying with them means formating all your ideas if what's BellyDance, and reconstructing your soul, mind and body into a true dancer and as a morality woman.